Roland Andersson is appointed Finelcomp’s new Country Manager for Sweden

This strategic move is aimed to further strengthen the company’s presence in Sweden, which is currently the company’s second home market, following its incorporation into the Swedish Kamic Group in late 2023. Roland brings with him over 30 years of experience in the Swedish electrical sector and thus being a perfect fit for the role. His appointment is a clear indication of Finelcomp’s commitment to expanding its operations in Sweden.

During his years at Sebab and Harju Elekter, he has been selling Finelcomp products and this way he is already familiar with Finelcomp and its products and he has established good connections in the market.

“My target is to get Finelcomp products as a first choice in our customer’s minds and get these products approved more widely in Swedish market”, Roland says.

“I have a very good knowledge of low voltage to medium voltage systems and I know the industry standards. I believe I can support the customers as also Finelcomp to build the system even more flexible” he continues.

“Furthermore, I am confident in our business model in Sweden; it involves local sales, top-notch technical support, and fast factory deliveries without intermediate storage, which provides the best service and cost competitiveness, contributing to our customers’ success.”

When we ask about the things that Roland finds important in current position and at the company, he answers:

”There is always a positive atmosphere in the team, which I like”, he says. “I find the product range and their modularity of the products very good, products are type tested for all the leading component brands and also the fact that the raw materials used are local or from Scandinavia, it is a great benefit. It is also great to see that we have long customer relationships, which is earned through close co-operation and good customer service.

Roland is living in Akarps, a city between Malmö and Lund. He is married and sons are born ’87 and ’89. He also has grandchildren aged 6, 4, 4 and 2.

He likes travelling, skiing and he also plays golf and padel.

“Always a little more and better” is Roland’s slogan and it is easy to agree with this in everything we do at Finelcomp.

We welcome Roland in our team and wish him all the best success in this new job!